
psalms 46-10Admittedly, this five-letter word presents me with quite a battle on a daily basis. I just don’t do still very well. Never did. How about you? I have fought it to the point of exhaustion over these past four years as I have labored to regain at least some of the movement that I lost during my infamous elbow surgery. I have pushed through the resulting chronic pain to the greatest extent possible all because I fear what might happen if I stop. Every so often God takes the choice right out of my hands as if to say to me, “You sure are a slow learner. When are you going to get it, Polly? Just please be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

I’m in one of those places right now. I was in rather significant pain for the 3 weeks leading up to a somewhat unrelated procedure last week, but I kept moving as best I could nonetheless. The procedure left me with a sizable gash in my right thigh that has put me on the sidelines. Movement is not my friend; therefore, being still is! Well, it’s supposed to be anyhow. A funny thing happened during my time on the bench this week. That pain that was wreaking havoc in my upper body leading up to the procedure has subsided for the most part. Why? I believe in large part because I was still. Had that procedure not landed me on the sidelines, I imagine I would still be trying to push through the pain and getting very little relief.

This is just one example of my battle against that five-letter word, still. It spills over into other areas of my life as well. Lysa TerKeurst pointed out in one of her recent books that God created us as human beings, not human doings. Hmm..think about that. No, God is not condoning laziness. However, I believe what God wants more than our acts of service, is our acknowledgement of who we are in Christ and who He is.

For you are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:26 NLT)

We did not do anything to deserve such a title. Jesus paid the price for our sins so that we could be part of God’s family. What a privilege! The benefits are immeasurable. Today I vow to let go of the reins yet again and rest in the assurance that He’s got this!

He replied, “What is impossible for people is possible with God.” (Luke 18:27 NLT)

I need to get out of His way and simply be…still. Perhaps you do too.


4 Replies to “Still”

  1. your best writing yet. I really loved this one! Great job Polly . Thankyou for this good teaching. love tou

  2. Being still is just not part of our heritage! Your articulated the same struggles I have to just slow down and take time to be with God. Thanks, Polly.

  3. As I read this I wondered if it was easier to be still when you and Todd were on vacation. It made me think about times when we give ourselves permission to be still versus when we feel the pressure not to be still.

    We give our staff permission to take a PRD – personal retreat day each month. It doesn’t count as a day of vacation but permission to be still with God. Some take it, some don’t.

  4. Great article, Polly. I know the feelings. It was very much a part of my journey. Felt like you looked into my past and put into words some of my memories of times gone by.

    “Be still and know that I am God” love that verse. We can be still in movements, but are we still in our souls? Maybe this verse should read…If you really know that I am God, you will be able to be still! Still…..yes….still can be a good thing:)

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