Transformed and Refined

God’s Refining Fire

In early February, before COVID-19 became the hot topic, our southern pastor started a sermon series on James titled “Keeping It Real”. I wrote down a quote that he used as we studied the first few verses of James 1. Pastor Matt said, “Don’t let the trial define you; let it refine you.”

The World on High Alert

Little did he know at the time that, collectively, the world would soon be facing a trial too big to wrap our minds around. I can’t think of anyone who is immune from this trial. There are the grieving loved ones of the victims, those still fighting, those trying to stop the spread of the virus, and those putting their lives at risk to care for the previous two groups of people. You may even find yourself in more than one of those groups. Then there’s the economic impact of shutting down schools and businesses and staying home to flatten the curve. Again, is there anyone who has been spared this trial? Certainly, the impact of this global pandemic is felt at varying degrees, but it is felt by all in one way, shape or form.


I have told more than one person in my circle of influence that I believe we will come out on the other side of this transformed. That is my prayer anyhow! Did you know that God is in the transformation business?

“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”

2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT

That’s transformation at its best! It’s an instantaneous change that results from a decision to acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior of our lives.

Our Purpose in a Nutshell

It took me far too long to figure out my purpose in life. I believe I told you somewhere along the way that I am a slow learner. I’m here to bring God glory. Guess what? That’s why you’re here too! I can just hear Pastor Dave saying, “It’s simple, but it ain’t easy!” How I carry that out varies on a daily basis, but I can tell you that it involves obedience. My level of success in glorifying God also varies on a daily basis. Sometimes I flat out crash and burn. Did I mention it involves obedience??

The Refining Process

We’re all a work in progress. My goal is to look more like Jesus today than I did yesterday. But, I certainly can’t do that on my own! If, and when, we accept Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives, we are filled with the Holy Spirit. It’s like having a personal guidance counselor living inside us 24/7.

“Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.”

Ephesians 4:23-24 NLT

I liken this to being refined. Transformation is more of a sudden, dramatic change. To refine is to improve something by making small changes. Guess what? God is in the refining business too!

The Israelites can vouch for that. They were God’s chosen people, yet they repeatedly turned against God. They would cry out to Him; God would deliver them; the Israelites would praise Him; and then eventually they would turn their backs on Him. Rinse. Repeat. Through it all, though, God said there still remained a righteous remnant that held firm in their trust and continued to follow Him. He would not turn His back on them. This is the group that is referred to in the following passage:

“I will bring that group through the fire and make them pure. I will refine them like silver and purify them like gold. They will call on my name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘These are my people,’ and they will say, ‘The Lord is our God.’”

Zechariah 13:9 NLT

Trouble Comes With Purpose

God often uses our difficult circumstances to refine us and make us look more like Jesus. No circumstance is wasted.

“My brothers and sisters, you will face all kinds of trouble. When you do, think of it as pure joy. Your faith will be tested. You know that when this happens it will produce in you the strength to continue. And you must allow this strength to finish its work. Then you will be all you should be. You will have everything you need.”

James 1:2-4 NIRV

I don’t know about you, but I don’t find myself jumping for joy when trouble finds me. James isn’t suggesting that we do. What should warm our hearts, though, is knowing that He will use it for good. God looks at our difficulties as an opportunity to mold and shape us into His image. May we all come out on the other side of our trials looking more like Jesus!

“Don’t let the trial define you; let it refine you.”

-Pastor Matt Hill, Bell Shoals Baptist Church-Apollo Beach Campus

The Rest of the Story

After Jesus drank he said, “It is finished.’ Then he bowed his head and died.”

John 19:30 NIRV

Finished. Dead. The End.

Think of the disappointment Jesus’ followers felt at that moment. The man who once stood among them performing countless miracles and wonders, often leaving them speechless, was dead. Jesus’ body was removed from the cross, wrapped in linen, and placed in a tomb. All hope was lost. Or was it? Read on for the rest of the story.

The Tomb Was Empty

On the third day, once the Sabbath had ended, three women from Galilee headed to the tomb where Jesus was buried to anoint His body. This took place early on Sunday morning. When they arrived at the tomb, they saw that the stone had been rolled away from its entrance. My daughter would say they were shook!

“but the angel said, “Don’t be alarmed. You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead! Look, this is where they laid his body.”

Mark 16:6 NLT

Double-Takes Abound

In the days to come, Jesus would appear to His disciples and select others. They were shook too! They thought their eyes were playing tricks on them. Before His death, Jesus had given the disciples advance notice of His death and resurrection, but it was beyond their comprehension. They heard the rest of the story, but couldn’t grasp it.

“because he was teaching his disciples. He said to them, “The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men. They will kill him, and after three days he will rise.””

Mark 9:31 NIV

Death Has Been Defeated

Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sin, but the story of our redemption wasn’t yet complete. Death did not have the last word. God raised Jesus from the dead and He is now seated at the right hand of His Father in Heaven. He lives! And because He lives, we, too, can look forward to spending eternity with our Heavenly Father. The redemption story is penned in a love that knows no bounds.

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.”

John 3:16-17 NLT

Victory is ours, if we choose to believe.

“But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 15:57 NLT

That, in a nutshell, is the rest of the story.

Right now, I can just hear my father-in-law singing his favorite hymn. Care to sing along? Let these words speak to your heart.

Victory in Jesus

1. I heard an old, old story, how a Savior came from Glory

How He gave His life on Calvary, to save a wretch like me.

I heard about his groaning, of his precious blood’s atoning,

Then I repented of my sins, and won the Victory.


Oh, Victory in Jesus, my Savior forever

He sought me and he bought me with His redeeming blood

He loved me ere I knew Him, and all my love is due Him

He plunged me to Victory, beneath the cleansing flood.

2. I heard about His healing, of His cleansing power revealing.

How He made the lame to walk again and caused the blind to see;

And then I cried, “Dear Jesus, come and heal my broken spirit.”,

And some how Jesus came and brought to me the Victory.


3. I heard about a mansion He has built for me in glory,

And I heard about the streets of gold beyond the crystal sea;

About the angels singing, and the old redemption story,

And some sweet day I’ll sing up there the song of Victory!


Sports may have been cancelled due to the Coronavirus, but Easter certainly hasn’t been. If you haven’t already, taste the victory that comes with a personal relationship with Jesus. It’ll be the sweetest one you’ve ever experienced!


As America is locked down to mitigate the spread of the Coronavirus, it has become apparent that Easter will look much different this year. Consequently, churches have been worshiping online for several weeks now as we practice social distancing. Though I have enjoyed attending the worship service in my jammies, I sure do miss the face-to-face interaction with my church family…and the hugs! How about you? Are you feeling isolated these days? Lonely? Afraid? If so, I have good news if you continue reading.

The Cost of Sin

Today is Good Friday, a remembrance of the day Jesus died on a cross to pay the penalty for our sin. Just the other day when I was talking with my cousin about celebrating Easter alone this year, she reminded me that Jesus was alone on the cross.

Separation At Its Worst

Unlike us, it wasn’t the separation from people that broke Jesus’ heart. But rather, it was being separated from His Heavenly Father. God cannot be in the presence of sin for He is holy. When the sins of the whole world—past, present and future, were heaped upon Jesus, God turned His back on His Son and allowed Him to die a criminal’s death on a cross. Jesus, who was without sin, went through all that for you and for me. Why? Because He came to do His Father’s will.

“He appeared as a man. He was humble and obeyed God completely. He did this even though it led to his death. Even worse, he died on a cross!”

Philippians 2:8 NIRV

God’s Redeeming Power at Work

Jesus’ death was part of God’s redemption plan for His people, for Jesus was the final and perfect sacrifice for sin. His blood was shed for you and for me. God loves us so much that He sacrificed His Son to redeem us. And Jesus loves us so much that He gave His very own life for us. He was separated from His Father momentarily so we would never have to be.

Ever Present

As isolated and fearful as you may be right now in the midst of this pandemic, please know that you are NEVER alone. He said so! Fear not, for God is bigger than COVID-19 and He is with you.

“Don’t be afraid. I am with you. Don’t tremble with fear. I am your God. I will make you strong, as I protect you with my arm and give you victories.”

Isaiah 41:10 CEV

Stay tuned for the rest of the story…