Looking Back

Faithfulness of God

So as not to keep you hanging, I wanted to finish the rest of the story before the wedding festivities kick off. Part II is less about timing and more about God’s faithfulness. As I mentioned yesterday, I chose to believe that God’s timing was perfect when it seemed anything but. I was able to do that by looking back at God’s faithfulness in the past. He has a perfect track record! When our faith is shaken and nothing makes sense, it’s helpful to look in the rearview mirror. Looking back may be just what it takes to move forward.

Remembering His Faithfulness

When the Israelites supernaturally crossed the Jordan River to enter into the Promised Land, God commanded them to take twelve stones from the middle of the river and build a monument. This stone monument would serve as a permanent national reminder of the miraculous river crossing. Building this memorial would allow future generations of Israelites to look back into the past to feed their faith for the future.


As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve struggled to understand God’s timing with these recent family health issues but made a conscious decision to trust that it was perfect. I am delighted to report that the father of the bride had THREE kidney stones removed yesterday morning while I was finishing off my last post. He has a stent in place for the next 5 days, but this timing should allow for him to enjoy our daughter’s wedding without incident. Thank you, Lord.

Looking in the Rearview Mirror

God is faithful! How do we know? By looking back. Just ask the Israelites!

“Not a single one of all the good promises the Lord had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything he had spoken came true.”

Joshua 21:45 NLT

I can look back to yesterday with Todd. Or I can look back to His hand in my mom’s story over the past month. The truth is I have countless “stones” (not kidney) from which I could choose to remember God’s faithfulness. This morning, I’m choosing to reflect on the stone that has impacted my life more than any other. That stone is none other than the bride herself. Fittingly, this stone is marrying a geologist!


I don’t need to rehash the miracle that is Hillary here with you this morning. I’m guessing that if you are reading this, you already know her story and have even lived it with me. Each time she arrives at a milestone I am especially reflective of God’s faithfulness in bringing her THIS far. And then I have a good cry! As I mentioned at her bridal shower, it is because of her story that these milestones hit me so hard. Thankfully, the bride knows all this and gave me a very special hanky for tomorrow. God knows I’m going to need it!

Mother of the Bride Hanky

Let the celebration begin!!


Perfect Timing

God's Timing is Perfect

I’m writing this post while sitting in the ER with my husband who is trying desperately to pass a kidney stone. This is our second trip here for this issue in 6 days. He will be the father of the bride in THREE short days. We’ve been looking forward to this wedding for over a year. Why now? This isn’t the first time I’ve asked myself that question this year. What about God’s perfect timing?

Are You Sure, God?

Last month my mom landed in the ER and was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Upon further investigation, we found out she was in need of a new heart valve. She, too, has been looking forward to the wedding. In fact, it’s been her goal to be here for it since my dad passed last year. When I thought all hope of her meeting that goal was lost, I had that same question— “Why now?”

An Exercise in Faith

My faith is getting quite a workout lately! When I reached out to my amazing support system last month with news of my mom, I said in my text that, though I did not understand the timing, I was choosing to trust that it was perfect. Then I had to talk myself into believing it!

Yes, He’s Sure

While I was trusting His perfect timing, God was confirming it with each test result. My mom was indeed a candidate for a less invasive procedure to replace her valve.  And it happened in short order! Some people wait months for one and she got hers the very next week, leaving a trip to FL on the radar.

The Results

I am beyond thrilled to tell you that nine days after having her valve replaced, my mom was cleared to come to FL for the wedding. And with a heart that is functioning far better than it was a month ago! This is a true testament to God’s perfect timing. It wasn’t at all how I would have drawn it up though!

My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9 NLT

I asked my “people” to pray for a wedding miracle for my mom just three short weeks ago. Tomorrow she will be boarding a plane for FL. I think that qualifies!

Now we need another one. Stay tuned for the rest of the story….

(I’m finishing this post in the OR waiting room–TWO days before the wedding)

Did you RSVP?

Please RSVP

The abbreviation RSVP originates from a French phrase, but in English it means please reply to an invitation. When I got married, I included a card insert with a stamped, self-addressed envelope for the RSVP. With the advancements in technology, that is no longer the norm. My daughter requested the responses to her wedding invitation be made electronically via her wedding website.

Hillary set February 1 as the deadline to RSVP for her upcoming wedding. Surprisingly, well over half the invited guests hadn’t replied by that date. I’m not completely sure why the response rate was so low, but my theory is that, because most of the guests have to travel a distance, we already knew many of the answers. Thankfully, technology allowed me to round up the responses without too much hassle.

In the midst of collecting RSVPs, I was reminded of the most important invitation I’ve ever received. You received the same one. God has invited each of us to be part of His family through faith in Jesus.

“But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.”

‭‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Replying to this invitation has eternal consequences:

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

‭‭John‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

So, how does one RSVP to this invitation? A positive reply involves four steps:

    1. Recognize that your sin separates you from God.
    2. Ask God for forgiveness and be willing to turn away from your sins.
    3. Believe that Jesus Christ died for you on the Cross and rose from the grave.
    4. Invite Jesus into your heart and life and begin to follow Him.

Here’s the deal—God will pursue a positive response but won’t force it. He gives us free will to choose. I consider my saying YES to His invitation the best decision I’ve ever made.

Have you RSVP’d yet? As long as you still have breath, it’s not too late to say “yes!” He is awaiting you with arms wide open and more love than you can ever imagine. Please, come be part of the family and enjoy the abundant life that Jesus came to give. The benefits are eternal and I promise you won’t regret it!