When I’m unsure of where I’m going when traveling, I often rely on the community-driven GPS navigation app, Waze, to lead me to my destination. There have been times when I’ve not reacted quickly enough to the directions and missed my turn. Other times, I’ve intentionally disobeyed the directions being given because I was sure I had a better way. When I miss my turn, whether intentional or not, I hear a familiar sound that I’ve come to know as the “recalculating” notification.

A Steady Voice

I used Sesame Street’s Elmo voice to direct us on Waze for a time, but when that got too annoying, I switched to a British woman’s voice. My husband and I get a kick out of imitating her accent! No matter the chosen voice, its temperament remains the same, even when I don’t follow the directions. After a missed turn, my GPS just recalculates and the voice directs me from right where I am at that moment. No choice words. No raised voice. She just redirects me based on my current location.

GPS – An Alternate Meaning

When I think about it, my GPS and God have some things in common. GPS could stand for “God’s Protection Service” rather than “Global Positioning System.” As a child of God, I have access to His guidance and direction through the Holy Spirit 24/7. But I must seek it. He is very familiar with the best route to my intended destination because He paved it. As with Waze, I sometimes miss my turn and find myself off course, either intentionally, or by accident. I’ve taken my own route on occasion, thinking “I’ve got this!” without ever even consulting my GPS.

His Response

When I wander off the intended route, the British lady’s got nothing on God. He patiently and gently directs me from where I am when I call out to Him. He doesn’t scream He doesn’t even say, “I told you so!” when He has every right. Instead, God lovingly recalculates and directs me to the best route from my current position.

Have you missed a turn for one reason or another? Do you think you’re too far off the route to ever find your way back? I have good news for you…

“The LORD is compassionate and merciful, very patient, and full of faithful love. He doesn’t deal with us according to our sin or repay us according to our wrongdoing, because as high as heaven is above the earth, that’s how large God’s faithful love is for those who honor him.”

Psalms 103:8, 10-11 CEB

If we just turn to Him and seek His direction, God will show us the way. For, according to the songwriter Sinach, He is the…

“Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness”

THAT is who He is! God, through Jesus, made a way for us to get to heaven. Neither Elmo, nor the British lady, can help us out with that! Who will you ask for directions?

“The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.”

Nahum 1:7 NIV

Trust and rest in His faithful, loving care today.