Though I absolutely love Christmas music, I restrain myself from breaking it out before Thanksgiving. When I give any thought to music at Thanksgiving, my mind immediately goes to the hymn, “We Gather Together.” Well, that, and “Over the River and Through the Woods!”
Thanksgiving Gatherings
As we close in on Thanksgiving 2021, I am mindful of the fact that, for many, Thanksgiving is going to look a bit different this year. Some families have joyously added on in 2021. Others have subtracted. For some, gathering together this Thanksgiving won’t even be an option. And some will be gathering in a completely different location.
Guest List
I don’t know how your Thanksgiving gathering is shaping up this year, but I do know someone who will be delighted to join you, regardless of the setting or time. It doesn’t even matter if the weather cooperates because there is no commute involved! As believers, we have access to God 24/7 through the Holy Spirit living inside us, all thanks to Jesus. Isn’t that a beautiful thing?
Personality Traits
In a sermon series recently concluded by my pastor, we took a deep dive into the character of God. It was based on the following verse:
“The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness,” Exodus 34:6b NIV
By the end of the series, we had the 5 characteristics from this verse memorized.
God is…
- Compassionate
- Gracious
- Slow to Anger
- Loyal in Love
- Faithful
He’s all that…and in just one verse! Who of us doesn’t need that reminder when life is throwing curveballs our way? If you are old enough to read this, I imagine you’ve already learned that things don’t always go as planned or expected. Are you still waiting on an answer to prayer? Have your hopes been dashed? Your dreams shattered?
The Real King
My small group recently finished watching and discussing a 5-part sermon series by Andy Stanley titled “David”. If you recall, David was known as a man after God’s own heart. In spite of that, David was still a flawed man. He learned some tough lessons throughout his lifetime, but, in his messages, Andy Stanley kept stressing that David never lost his confidence in God. In spite of his position as king of Israel, David never confused himself with THE King. That King is compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, loyal in love and faithful for starters. Our hope isn’t found in fulfilled dreams or answers to prayers, but rather, in the character of God.
“He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8b CEV
Circumstances change, God does not. He is our Rock, a refuge in times of trouble. In the words of David,
“In you, Lord my God, I put my trust. My hope is in you ALL day long.” Psalms 25:1,5 NIV
Though your Thanksgiving celebration may look a bit different this year, the MVP has already RSVP’d. He’ll be there!
Enjoy your gathering, no matter the size or shape…Happy Thanksgiving!