By Faith, Not By Sight

By Faith, Not Sight

God has allowed this patient patient to get more practice since my last post. I never quite made it out of the tunnel. Instead, my faith muscle is getting yet another workout. The lyrics from the chorus of one of my favorite choir songs say, “we’ll walk by faith and not by sight.” That is where I find myself today. 


“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

Hebrews 11:1 NIV


The Problem Identified

Following my most recent blog post, my incision broke open again, nearly seven weeks after my 2nd surgery. That led to another 5 days in the hospital and more surgery. Testing revealed why I wasn’t healing—I have a post-operative MRSA infection that reached the bone. Another neurosurgeon “washed out” my neck and I began a 6-week course of IV antibiotics. I’m currently about halfway through my treatment. 


The Solution

I get an infusion every 12 hours lasting 77 minutes. There is no physical proof that this treatment is working, at least not yet. That’s where faith comes into play. I’m choosing to believe that healing is underway without seeing any evidence. That is, I’m walking by faith, not by sight. 


Faith Defined

Faith is defined as complete trust or confidence in someone or something. There’s nothing wrong with having faith in my doctors and the medicine they prescribe, but, if my faith is limited to that, I’ve missed out on something so much greater. Biblically speaking, the object of our faith is a God who knows no limits. He is all-knowing, all-powerful and ever present, yet invisible. I know He loves me. Exhibit A: Jesus. Ultimately, that is Who I’m choosing to trust. How about you? 


The byproduct of that decision…


“The Lord gives perfect peace to those whose faith is firm.”

Isaiah 26:3 CEV


May His good and perfect will be done in my life and in yours. Stand firm!