As I was driving to the pool one recent morning, I encountered a rainbow. What a great start to my day! It brought a smile to my face…and got me thinking.

The Weather Conditions
Rainbows are only visible in the sky when certain conditions align. They require the presence of water droplets and sunlight. Often, rainbows appear after rain, and sometimes that rain comes in the form of a storm. The sight of a rainbow can provide a sense of calm and comfort after the unsettling effects of thunder and lightning.
Rainbows in the Bible
Rainbows are mentioned at various places in the Bible and have spiritual significance. The first such appearance is in the very first book—Genesis. God uses a rainbow as a sign of His covenant with Noah after the flood.
“The rainbow that I have put in the sky will be my sign to you and to every living creature on earth. It will remind you that I will keep this promise forever. When I send clouds over the earth, and a rainbow appears in the sky, I will remember my promise to you and to all other living creatures. Never again will I let floodwaters destroy all life.
Genesis 9:12-15 CEV
A Glorious Display of His Splendor
A rainbow appears in the final book of the Bible too—Revelation. The Holy Spirit gave John a vision into the throne room of heaven. He describes God’s glory and power with these words:
“And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne.”
Revelation 4:3 NIV
Can you picture that magnificent scene?
His Presence and Power on Display
From beginning to end, a rainbow is an important symbol of God’s presence and power in the Bible. To Noah, it was a reminder of God’s gifts of grace and mercy, a metaphor for faith.
My Personal Favorite
Throughout my life, I’ve witnessed many rainbows, but the most memorable one was photographed by my cousin after my father’s funeral. The photo was taken masterfully from behind my nephew’s headstone in the cemetery adjacent to the church where the service took place. The impact is in the details.

A rainbow, in all its splendor, appears only against the backdrop of a gloomy, rain-filled sky or when the sun begins to pierce through the clouds. For me, a rainbow serves as a symbol of God’s steadfastness during turbulent times. It is in the storms of life that I most need reminded of His faithfulness.
God’s Perfect Timing
About that rainbow that I mentioned at the outset—I saw it just after the sunrise on November 6. The significance—it was the day after an incredibly contentious and divisive election. Why did I smile at the sight of it? Because it served as a reminder that regardless of who occupies the Oval Office, God remains sovereign. He is still on the throne! No matter how you voted, or even if you didn’t, may this assurance bring calm and comfort to your heart as well.