Perfect Timing

God's Timing is Perfect

I’m writing this post while sitting in the ER with my husband who is trying desperately to pass a kidney stone. This is our second trip here for this issue in 6 days. He will be the father of the bride in THREE short days. We’ve been looking forward to this wedding for over a year. Why now? This isn’t the first time I’ve asked myself that question this year. What about God’s perfect timing?

Are You Sure, God?

Last month my mom landed in the ER and was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Upon further investigation, we found out she was in need of a new heart valve. She, too, has been looking forward to the wedding. In fact, it’s been her goal to be here for it since my dad passed last year. When I thought all hope of her meeting that goal was lost, I had that same question— “Why now?”

An Exercise in Faith

My faith is getting quite a workout lately! When I reached out to my amazing support system last month with news of my mom, I said in my text that, though I did not understand the timing, I was choosing to trust that it was perfect. Then I had to talk myself into believing it!

Yes, He’s Sure

While I was trusting His perfect timing, God was confirming it with each test result. My mom was indeed a candidate for a less invasive procedure to replace her valve.  And it happened in short order! Some people wait months for one and she got hers the very next week, leaving a trip to FL on the radar.

The Results

I am beyond thrilled to tell you that nine days after having her valve replaced, my mom was cleared to come to FL for the wedding. And with a heart that is functioning far better than it was a month ago! This is a true testament to God’s perfect timing. It wasn’t at all how I would have drawn it up though!

My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9 NLT

I asked my “people” to pray for a wedding miracle for my mom just three short weeks ago. Tomorrow she will be boarding a plane for FL. I think that qualifies!

Now we need another one. Stay tuned for the rest of the story….

(I’m finishing this post in the OR waiting room–TWO days before the wedding)


The Dress

Once we got the bride outfitted for the big day, it was my turn to find just the right attire for the mother-of-the-bride. That was a tall task, but eventually there was agreement on the best option for me. Mind you, we did all this online. I went to place my order and asked for some help by clicking “What size am I?”. That took me to a chart of measurements for the various sizes of the dress. I took my measurements and found them to be ALL over that chart. I think it may have been best to toss the dice to figure out which size to order! As a result, I ended up ordering a “try on” dress to determine if I liked it enough to have it made specifically for me. There is no turning back with a custom-made dress. If you order one, it’s yours—like it or not!

The Comparison Trap

This dress experience could be a metaphor for my life. I never did fit into the box very well! Being the youngest of my parents’ three daughters, I naturally looked up to and followed the lead of my older sisters. I still do! We grew up on a dairy farm and they both won the title of Somerset County Dairy Princess when they were 16. I succumbed to self-induced pressure to enter the contest when I got to that magical age as well. As it turned out, I crashed and burned during the pageant, completely freezing during the onstage interview. I can laugh about it now, but it was humiliating at the time. What was I thinking? I don’t even like milk!

Living Outside the Box

Whether it was my sisters, my classmates, or other peers along life’s journey, I always seemed to be comparing myself to others and coming to the conclusion that I just don’t fit into the box. There were times I was thrilled by that, like when I was the only girl on my Little League and Junior Legion baseball teams. But, more often than not, I felt like I just didn’t measure up. To me, it seemed like I was always living outside the box where I thought the “normal” people resided. Well, guess who constructed that box? Me! I was my own worst enemy.

The Impact of Two Books

You may have picked up on my use of the past tense in the preceding paragraph and are wondering what changed? And when? It was a book that was written 20 years ago AND a book that was written some 2000 years ago that changed my whole perspective.

Twenty years ago, Rick Warren wrote The Purpose Driven Life, and I participated in a church-wide study of it shortly thereafter. There were 40 readings, one for each day of the study. It was Day #2 that changed everything for me. The title of that reading is “You Are Not an Accident.” Perhaps you need to hear that today just as I did back then. Your parents may or may not have planned you, but God certainly did.

“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

Psalms 139:13 NLT

We are custom-made by God. He made each one of us ON purpose, FOR a purpose. And guess what? God doesn’t make mistakes! That was a game-changer for me. My parents and yours possessed exactly the DNA God needed to create us.

“I am your Creator. You were in my care even before you were born.”

Isaiah 44:2a CEV

Let that sink in. We were custom-made BY God and FOR God before we even took our first breath. Our purpose for being here is to bring glory to God, but that will look different for each of us because we have been uniquely created by Him. Once that truth settled into my heart, I felt several pounds lighter. There was no longer a need to drag around my personal “measurement” box to see if I fit. I started living into who He created me to be, and that freedom refreshed my soul.

No Box Necessary

From the words of Christian artist, Francesca Battistelli, “I’m free to be me; And you’re free to be you.” God wouldn’t want it any other way.

The Perfect Fit

I entered my measurements and placed an order for that mother-of-the-bride dress that I tried on earlier. My custom-made dress should arrive in another month or so. No alterations necessary—I’m counting on it!


My Word for 2021

It’s that time of year again—time to choose a word and verse for the new year! Unlike last year, this word came to me rather quickly…and directly. In fact, it all started before I even went to church on the first Sunday of 2021. The devotional I used that morning talked about God as my SOURCE. I remember making a mental note of that word before I headed off to church. When my pastor announced his word and verse for the new year during the service, he encouraged us to choose ours too. At that time, I put the word SOURCE in my message notes as a definite possibility for 2021.

The Confirmation

Several years ago, I read a book written by Lysa TerKeurst titled, “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God.” In this book, Lysa devoted a chapter to how we can determine if God is speaking to us by asking ourselves five questions. One of those questions is to ask yourself if you are hearing the same thing from different sources. The very next day, the word SOURCE came up again in the daily story in YouVersion. By this time, I was feeling pretty confident that my word for the year was to be SOURCE. The kicker is what happened next though. After my quiet time with God, I went upstairs to get a shower. When I stepped in, there was a freshly unwrapped cake of soap waiting for me with the word SOURCE written on it. If you aren’t an Aldi shopper, that is the brand name of their soap. That was confirmation enough for me! I literally laughed out loud and said, “Ok, God, I get the message!”

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

John 15:5 NIV

Selecting My Verse

The verse for 2021 was not quite as obvious, as many could serve as a reminder that God is my SOURCE. I had it narrowed down to three and finally settled on the verse above, John 15:5, just over a week ago. This happened to be the same day that my dad was admitted to the hospital and I was 1000 miles away from him. What a helpless feeling! With my mind racing and my emotions all over the map, I certainly needed the reminder that God is my SOURCE. He is the SOURCE of everything I need. The list is extensive, but peace was my greatest need that day. As always, the Prince of Peace provided. What I want you to take away from this post is not my word and verse for the year, but rather that He is the SOURCE of everything you need too.

Our Part and His Part

The Bible is packed with promises from God. Many of those promises come with a condition though. We are not just passive observers; we have a role to play. In John 15:5, our assignment is to stay connected to God. If a branch is separated from the vine, it’s dead wood. And that makes it powerless to bear fruit. Apart from Jesus, we are also powerless. He is our power SOURCE! The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22). It is only through the power of the Holy Spirit that others will see this fruit on display in the lives of His children. That is assuming we do our part. To bear fruit, we must remain connected to the SOURCE of our power.

Bear It and Eat It

All this talk of fruit is making me hungry for a different kind. I’m dreaming of my next trip to the strawberry farm. I find this fruit especially delicious this time of year in Florida, especially when shortcake and ice cream are connected to those strawberries!

Can you taste it?

CDH—A Term That Changed Everything

I’m veering off course in my blog today in honor of CDH Awareness Day. CDH stands for congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Though it’s a term most people have never heard, it’s as common as cystic fibrosis and spina bifida. The hole in the diaphragm allows for the abdominal organs to enter into the chest cavity leaving little room for the affected lung(s) to develop. To this day, 50% of the babies born with CDH do not survive and those who do face a lifelong battle with complications.

CHERUBS, one arm of CDH International, is a charitable support organization for those affected by this affliction. To help spread awareness, CHERUBS asks us to share our story. Read on if you would like to know Hillary’s story told through her mother’s eyes. I imagine most everyone reading this blog has played a role in her life—I thank God for each of you.

“Mrs. Leipold, your baby has a diaphragmatic hernia.” Those were the words delivered by a doctor following an echocardiogram in March 1996. Those words were game-changing. An ultrasound in January had picked up a suspected problem and resulted in a referral to a specialist in Pittsburgh.

Following the CDH diagnosis we had about a month to digest it before meeting with the pediatric surgeon and chief neonatologist at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh. Things were much different 23 years ago in terms of technology. I was just starting to use email at that time and “googling” was not yet a thing, at least not to me. Like most parents of CHERUBS, my husband and I had never heard of CDH. Our primary means of educating ourselves about CDH was through the doctors. When we met with the neonatologist and surgeon in April, I didn’t even know what questions to ask because I knew so little about it. That appointment was completely overwhelming because the medical jargon went right over my head. Being a math teacher, there was one thing I could understand at that appointment—percentages. My big take away that day was that our baby girl had a 50% chance of surviving IF she was born in the right place at the right time. The odds were substantially worse if she wasn’t. We set a date for a c-section that day with the hope that Hillary would stay put until June 14. She was expected on June 30th. At that time, we lived about 2.5 hours from Pittsburgh. One thing that reinforced the severity of the situation was being told that if I went into labor before the scheduled c-section, they would take me by helicopter to Allegheny General. Yes, that got my attention! I remember crying the whole way home from that appointment.

The two months following that appointment were the longest two months of my life. There was just so much uncertainty. We were (and still are) blessed with a wonderful support system in the form of family and friends. They rallied around us during the wait for Hillary’s arrival and have been with us every step of the way since. A few weeks before she was born, I experienced my first panic attack. I was anxious for her to come into this world, yet scared to death what might happen once she did. There were a lot of  “what if” scenarios playing out in my mind.

When we flipped the calendar to June, I went to stay with my sister and her family, who lived near Pittsburgh, in order to be closer to the hospital just in case Hillary decided to come out and play before the scheduled c-section. Thankfully, she was content right where she was. Hillary Jayne was born, as scheduled, on June 14, 1996, my parents’ 43rd wedding anniversary.

Again, we did not have the technology that we have today back in 1996. After Hillary was born, she was whisked away and put on a special oscillating ventilator immediately. A nurse brought me my “first picture” of Hillary once she was stabilized a few hours later. It was a Polaroid. Those are the only pictures I have to tell of Hillary’s early days. I was not able to see her with my own eyes until the following day.

Hillary was paralyzed by narcotics for the first week of her life in order to help stabilize her in preparation for her repair surgery. That surgery took place when she was 6 days old. It’s interesting what I remember nearly 23 years later as I write her story. I’ll never forget the words of the anesthesiologist just before they wheeled Hillary off to the OR. She said, “I suppose I don’t need to tell you how sick your child is.” The stress-o-meter was through the roof BEFORE she opened her mouth. I wanted to slap her, but thought better of it! When the surgeon came to the waiting room to talk to us following Hillary’s repair surgery, I simply burst into tears. I didn’t even know what he had to say yet. Dr. Hechtman was able to relocate the organs that had moved up into her chest cavity to the general vicinity of where they were intended to be and patch her diaphragm together. She was able to keep her spleen, but we found out in the last few years that it is located front and center rather than in the upper left quadrant of her abdomen under her ribs.

The Summer of ’96 was quite the rollercoaster ride. Dr. Null, the chief neonatologist, described Hillary’s journey quite well as the summer wore on. He said it was a series of “two steps forward, one step backwards.” That, it was. She made pretty good progress during the first month following surgery. I was thrilled to hold her for the first time on July 9. Then it got a little rocky. The surgeon decided to perform a bronchoscopy in an attempt to open her left lung a bit. We THOUGHT it was an overwhelming success only to find out a few hours later that it was just the opposite. She had a hole in her lung! She went back on the special oscillating ventilator temporarily and inherited a chest tube as a result. Shortly thereafter we learned that her formula was leaking into her chest cavity and there was yet another hurdle to jump. The forward progress trumped the setbacks and Hillary was discharged from the hospital on September 9 when she was 88 days old. My second panic attacked occurred the weekend before her release when I realized that my husband and I would now be responsible for her care. I wasn’t qualified!! That brings me to one of my favorite quotes—“God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.” He called my husband and I to be Hillary’s parents and has been equipping us for that role ever since.

We brought Hillary home with a monitor, but thankfully she did not need oxygen. There is nothing quite like hearing that monitor go off in the middle of the night! It is pretty hard NOT to be a basket case as a parent of a CDH baby. The antennas go up with every cough, sniffle and sneeze. Any unusual pain puts us on high alert. You just want to put them in a bubble so harm cannot reach them. However, since that’s not realistic, my faith has served me well. I’ve never been in charge anyhow! I rely on God to show me where my responsibility ends and His begins. I can only do my part. I must trust Him with the rest.

There has been no shortage of speed bumps along the way, but, I’m happy to report that Hillary is looking and feeling better than ever as she approaches her 23rd birthday. Again, that summation “two steps forward, one step backward” has pretty much applied to her whole life. We are blessed that Hillary has never been admitted to the hospital since her initial discharge. Her diaphragm is held together by gore-tex and it has served its purpose up to this point. As is fairly common with CDH children, weight gain has been a struggle for Hillary for most of her life. Most people only wish they had that problem!  If you saw her eat, you would be pretty amazed at how much she can put away. There were a few things the doctors told us to expect as she grew up—asthma and scoliosis. Their advance notice was correct, but thankfully neither issue has required any extraordinary measures. The scoliosis causes its share of musculoskeletal pain, but the curve itself isn’t severe. I’ll never forget when I first noticed it. It was a picture from her Confirmation when she was in 8th grade. I lived with her all that time, but it took a picture for me to notice that her shoulders go “downhill” from right to left. Perhaps it only became noticeable during a growth spurt in adolescence.

The biggest hurdle, and most recent, took quite some time to diagnose.  Two years, in fact. As I recall, it started as a cough that just would not end in 2014. Her cough was accompanied by chest pain. That always puts CDH parents on high alert. After a few unsuccessful attempts to treat Hillary’s cough, her pediatrician heard a “rub” while listening to her heart and referred Hillary to a cardiologist at Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh. He diagnosed Hillary with acute pericarditis in the spring of 2014. There was fluid around her heart. She had lost a substantial amount of weight by this time and was having frequent weight checks at her pediatrician’s office. The fluid had resolved by early in the summer only to resurface at the end of the year. The following July, a different cardiologist wasn’t so sure it was pericarditis at all. He suspected that it might have something to do with her pectus excavatum and referred us to a pediatric surgeon. In the meantime, she had a CT scan and it showed lesions on her right lung that would indicate infection. Even though Hillary’s pectus is fairly severe, the surgeon did not feel that a repair would alleviate her symptoms and did not recommend proceeding to surgery. The ball was thrown back into the hands of her pulmonologist in October. That led to a bronchoscopy in January of 2016.  Though the preliminary pathology was negative, eventually Hillary tested positive for mycobacterium avium. A second sample verified that diagnosis. That put Hillary on the fast track to the Infectious Disease department in March, just over two years after the cough/chest pain began. She had many doctors stumped along the way, including the ones in the Infectious Disease department. “Lady Windermere Syndrome” (Hillary’s mycobacterial avium infection) almost always occurs in older, thin women with a history of pectus excavatum. Hillary was prescribed 3 high powered antibiotics to treat her infection. She took all three for an entire year. Thankfully, she responded beautifully without too much fallout in terms of side effects. Three years from the start of it all, she was symptom-free. Hillary has really done well since that difficult season of her life. She put all that lost weight back on and even added to it once she was finished with the antibiotics. Her primary issues these days are related to her scoliosis. That creates havoc with her musculoskeletal system. She finally looks healthy though!

Hillary will be celebrating her 23rd birthday in June and we thank God for every one of them. She is currently pursuing a doctorate degree in Occupational Therapy at Gannon University’s Ruskin, FL campus. Since she benefitted from occupational therapy as an infant, she’d like to focus on children in need of such services as a way of giving back.  

Our first picture—a very real reminder of how it all started and how far she’s come since!