The Journey

On Sunday we will celebrate another big milestone in our daughter’s journey through life. These occasions always cause me to be reflective and highly emotional. As part of my therapy, I had determined to share part of that journey with you through my writing. I found that was easier said than done yesterday. I didn’t know where to start and where to stop. After many hours and countless words, I scrapped the whole thing and went to bed late last night. The truth is, I cannot condense what we’ve been through with Hillary in her 21+ years to a blog post. It deserves a book! Maybe someday….

For those unfamiliar with her story, Hillary Jayne is our miracle baby. You’ll have to wait for the book to fill in the gaps, but I’ll paint the big picture now. She was diagnosed with a congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) in the womb. The hole in the left side of her diaphragm allowed her abdominal organs to come up into her chest cavity and take up the space where her left lung was to be developing. She was given a 50% chance of surviving IF she was born in the right place at the right time. By the grace of God, she was. She came out fighting and has been fighting ever since! Hillary had her hernia repair surgery when she was 6 days old and spent the first 88 days of her life in intensive care at Allegheny General Hospital. I remember the neonatologist describing Hillary’s hospital stay as a series of three steps forward and two steps backwards. That’s a net gain of one, right? We’ll take it! Even with the medical advances today, 50% of babies born with CDH do not survive.

CDH isn’t just a hernia. The 50% that do survive live with the threat of complications of it for the rest of their lives, including the very real possibility of reherniation. So, as they say at CHERUBS, the CDH Support Group, “Just because the hole is fixed, doesn’t mean the battle is over.” For instance, Hillary recently spent a whole year on three high-powered antibiotics to rid her good lung of a serious mycobacterial infection that was indirectly related to her CDH. It hasn’t been smooth sailing for Hillary. Far from it! I guess that’s what makes each milestone that much sweeter!

I believe God has lessons for us in each of our life experiences. Nothing comes to us without a purpose. Without question, Hillary’s story is the experience that has had the greatest impact on my life. I look at life differently now because I realize just how precious it is. Each day is a gift from God, not to be taken for granted. In the words of Jesus:

I have come so they can have life. I want them to have it in the fullest possible way.”  

John 10:10b NIRV

Jesus went to the greatest of lengths to give us life. It would behoove us to make the most of it. Let’s not squander today, for tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. Live life….enjoy it…celebrate it…and give God thanks for it!

On Sunday we will celebrate the college graduation of our precious daughter. This milestone, like every other one before it, will be magnified times one hundred because of the journey that brought her here. I couldn’t be more proud. She has overcome so much adversity in her 21+ years and has excelled in spite of it all. Or perhaps BECAUSE of it all. When they call Hillary Jayne Leipold on Sunday and she crosses the stage with numerous cords and medallions draped around her neck to collect her diploma, her devoted fan base will be there leading the cheering. That is, all except her mother who will be too choked up to muster a WooHoo!

A Fresh Start

One of my favorite days of the year is Opening Day for Major League Baseball. The reason—-it’s a fresh start for my favorite team, the Pittsburgh Pirates. While suffering through 20 years of consecutive losing seasons from 1993-2012, there has been great need for the fresh start that comes with the beginning of a new season. Expectations are low for 2018 after management traded away the face of the franchise and the ace of the pitching staff within a few short days back in January. As a result, fresh start takes on a whole new meaning this season. And I’m not all that happy about it! However, when the Bucs won 8 of their first 10 games to start this season, I have to admit it was hard to contain my excitement. In spite of the offseason upheaval, I remain a loyal fan of the Pittsburgh Pirates. I stuck by them through 20 losing seasons, so I guess there’s no need to jump ship now.

Coming off a powerful Holy Week culminating in a magnificent celebration of Easter, I am reminded of a fresh start that easily trumps Opening Day of MLB. Sin separates ALL of us from God. Jesus went to the cross to pay the cost for our sins—-past, present and future. He gave His very own life to reconcile us with our Heavenly Father. That kind of love is beyond my comprehension. But death did not have the last word. We celebrate Jesus’ resurrection on Easter. God raised Jesus from the dead and He is now seated at the right hand of the Father in Heaven.

Now all of us can come to the Father through the same Holy Spirit because of what Christ has done for us.

Ephesians 2:18 NLT

Jesus bridged the gap between us and God. He makes the ultimate fresh start possible. Are you in need of a fresh start? Jesus is offering you one. His blood has wiped your slate clean.

“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”

2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT

One of my favorite places to go, besides PNC Park, is The Meadows. They happen to sell my favorite frozen custard. Due to a fire, our local Meadows was closed for over a year. It was a LONG year! They recently reopened and now use Meadows 2.0 in some of their advertisements. Meadows 2.0 is to be a new and improved version of the original one that was damaged by fire. When you accept Christ as Lord and Savior of your life, you become enter your first name here 2.0—a new and improved version of your former self. Being a Christ-follower is the best decision I’ve ever made and you won’t regret it either!

Western PA is finally getting teased with some warmer, more spring-like, weather starting today. That makes Polly 2.0 crave some Meadows 2.0, while cheering on the Bucs of course!

Lost…and Found

In the 15th chapter of Luke, you’ll find Jesus’ “lost” parables. In each of the three, there was great cause for celebration when the lost was found. If you’ve ever found something that you thought was lost, I’m sure you can relate to this parable of the Lost Coin:

“Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Won’t she light a lamp and sweep the entire house and search carefully until she finds it? And when she finds it, she will call in her friends and neighbors and say, ‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost coin.’ In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when even one sinner repents.”                                  

Luke 15:8-10 NLT

At my last high school class reunion in 2013 I volunteered to help another classmate in the planning of our next reunion. Well, I blinked, 5 years passed, and it’s time to get to work. My classmate was mostly looking for help with the communication part of it as technology is not her thing and I thought I could help. We had a planning lunch last month and I was tasked with hunting down the Shanksville-Stonycreek High School Class of ‘83. There are only 29 graduates from my class, including me, so no need to feel sorry for me! I had saved the contact information that we had from previous reunions so I wasn’t exactly starting from scratch; however, there were several classmates that we had little to no information on and I haven’t seen or heard anything out of them since the night we walked across the stage to collect our diplomas.

My search began shortly after that planning lunch. I sent texts, emails and Facebook messages and made note of any responses. For those who didn’t respond, it became necessary to dig a little deeper. There was one classmate in particular that I really had no idea how to track down. No one seemed to know what became of him after high school. The only info I had was his name. So, I googled it! Of course, the search led me to multiple people by that name. Somehow, I found an email address for one person by that name that lived in PA, so I thought I’d start there. That was a fun email to compose—-“So, are you by any chance the _____ _______ that graduated from Shanksville in 1983?” Imagine my surprise when I got a response saying, “Yes, I am.” I felt like I had just won the lottery! I told some friends and family so they could rejoice with me, just as the woman did when she found her lost coin.

Another of the “Lost” parables dealt with sheep:

“So Jesus told them this story: “If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them gets lost, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others in the wilderness and go to search for the one that is lost until he finds it? And when he has found it, he will joyfully carry it home on his shoulders. When he arrives, he will call together his friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep.’ In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven’t strayed away!”

Luke 15:3-7 NLT

I guess because I’m a math teacher, the numbers always strike me from this parable. He had 99 out of 100 of his sheep accounted for, yet it was the one who was lost that garnered his attention. My students would be thrilled with a 99%. I doubt any would dwell on the 1% they missed. Yet when I was searching for classmates, I found myself responding just as this man with the lost sheep. Don’t get me wrong, I was happy for each and every response that I got. But some classmates were easier to locate than others. It was the ones who required the most effort to find, that brought me the greatest joy. Just as this man in the parable of the lost sheep, my focus was on the small percentage that was lost.

Jesus used these parables to make His point in a way that we could easily understand. These two parables, along with the third about the Lost (Prodigal) Son, weren’t really about the lost coin, sheep and son. They were about searching for and reaching out with the Good News to those who don’t yet know Jesus as Lord and Savior. Their eternity hinges on being found.

He wants EVERY soul saved. 99% isn’t good enough. Are you looking for what (who) is lost? If you’re like me, the task seems daunting and you feel completely unqualified for such an assignment. No worries—-the Director of this Search and Rescue Operation is none other than Jesus Christ. He will equip us for whatever tasks He assigns. The key is to stay in close connection with Him so He can direct our steps. Then, of course, we must respond in obedience to that direction.

Of this we can be sure—-there is rejoicing in Heaven when the lost are found!

(And when I had obtained contact information for ALL 29 members of the SSHS Class of ‘83, there was rejoicing at my house too!)