When I teach my students about signed numbers, we generally have a discussion about real-life situations in which we would encounter a positive or negative number. Because my students are not as familiar with negative numbers, I place the emphasis on those. When we brainstorm this topic, my students almost always come up with temperature and bank accounts as examples of where we may encounter negative numbers in real life.
Is a Negative Always Bad?
If the temperature dips below zero, we represent it with a negative number. Since I’m not fond of being cold, it also indicates that it is time for me to go to Florida!! Another negative scenario would be having an overdrawn bank account. That too, would be represented with a negative number. It would also prompt notification from the bank in the form of an overdraft charge. Generally speaking, situations where we use negative numbers have a negative connotation. But there are exceptions. Usually, I have to give a hint before anyone comes up with one though. When I give “sports” as a clue, eventually someone in the class comes up with golf. I can’t imagine there are many golfers who would be disappointed with a negative score!
Backwards Thinking
This anomaly is not limited to math. God is delighted by some words that typically have a negative connotation. The converse is also true—God is grieved by some words that we view in a positive light. The Holy Spirit brought two such words to my attention recently, one of each type. The words—independent and surrender.
Is a Positive Always Good?
When you think of the word independent, don’t you think of it as a good thing? As a parent, my goal was to raise my kids to be able to stand on their own two feet. In other words, I wanted them to grow up and become independent adults. I believe most parents would consider that to be a good goal. And it is! BUT, an exception should be included in the parenting handbook. We were never intended to live independently from God. Jesus longs for us to acknowledge our deep need for Him.
“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.”
John 15:5 NLT
We are totally dependent on Him. But it sure is hard to admit that!
Could Giving Up Be a Good Thing?
Independence has a positive connotation from a worldview, but not with God. The opposite is true of the second word, surrender. What is the first thing that pops into your head when you hear that word? When someone surrenders, I think they quit, or gave up. It seems to be one for the loss column, right? Who wants to be known as a loser or quitter? Not me! Yet, surrendering to God and acknowledging His sovereignty would be the wisest of choices. Surrender is generally looked at negatively in our world, but, for our own benefit, that is exactly what God calls us to do.
“Submit to God, and you will have peace; then things will go well for you.”
Job 22:21 NLT
Though the word isn’t identical, submit is a synonym for surrender. Just ponder the benefits for doing so from the preceding verse.
As you can see, dependence and surrender are closely related and something God desires for us when it comes to our relationship with Him. The desires of our flesh resist though, don’t they? I know I have a bit of “control freak” in me and I have no desire to depend on or surrender to someone else. But God is not just anybody else. He is the all-knowing, all-powerful, ever-present God of the universe. There is no other, none like Him. He is the name above all names.
Maybe it’s time to wave the white flag and allow Him to run the show!
I have been working with God and the word surrender for a while now and, as you say, it is difficult to understand and harder to do. I agree that this is partly because of our societal use of the word. The other word that comes to mind here is stubborn. Sometimes we want, or need to be in charge. May I surrender today…just a little bit more. Thanks for the reminder!
Thank you, Polly. I’m going to read JOB 22:21 over and over again. I have struggled with this for many years. I needed this right now. Great timing.
Great blog!! You should put together a devotional! Thankyou!
So true and inspiring! I’m a glass half full person, yet I just realized that we call that golf negative a “handicap,” right? Another negative connotation placed on a positive thing. Hmmmmm