No Trade

In modern day professional sports, it is rare that a player remains with the same team his entire career. Players often get traded or released by their team based on their performance, or lack thereof. One trade in particular really broke my heart this past winter. My favorite team, the Pittsburgh Pirates, traded away the face of the franchise, Andrew McCutchen, in a cost cutting move in late January. Coincidentally, it was the day after the Pittsburgh Steelers were eliminated from the NFL playoffs. Ouch—-a painful couple of days for Pittsburgh sports fans. It’s not like January isn’t already hard enough in Western PA!

I had grown quite fond of Cutch since he was called up in 2009. Not only did he put the team on his back and make baseball relevant again in Pittsburgh, but he also gave back to the community. His smile and enthusiasm for the game endeared him to the city of Pittsburgh. Trades can be hard…on everyone. I don’t think Cutch wanted to go any more than Pirate fans wanted to see him go. Management decided the time had come to part with Cutch. Why? I’m sure there were several factors—-a soon-to-be-expiring contract, age, recent decline in performance, cost of new contract, etc. Before ownership consulted with me, they just went ahead and traded Cutch. The nerve!! There is no professional athlete immune from the possibility of being traded away at a moment’s notice. Nothing like having the rug pulled out from under you!

While processing this over the past few months, I’ve found great comfort in knowing that I am on a team that will never ever trade me. And if you aren’t already on that same team, you certainly can be. The beauty of this team is that the choice to be on it is yours. You don’t have to stand around waiting to see if you are good enough to be chosen. Your name has already been called.

“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time,”

2 Timothy 1:9 NIV

The truth is, we can’t earn our way onto God’s Kingdom team with our performance. We have been saved purely by grace through Jesus. What an indescribable gift!

The Ultimate Gift, Jesus, made this gift of salvation possible. Our choice is simply to receive it and join the team. The Coach will take it from there! No worries—you’ll be on the team for eternity. And there’s not even a bench, so there’s no chance you’ll have to sit on the sidelines and watch!


4 Replies to “No Trade”

  1. God’s team!!!! I love it!!!! I’m on God’s team!!!! Never thought of myself as being on a team! And our coach will lead us to victory every time! How awesome is that!!! Thanx, Polly!

  2. Great inner reflections, Polly.

    So, continuing your sports team simile, I was wondering what a team mascot name might be for all who are saved? My first thought was the “lambs,” of course, but that seems too meek a competitive moniker. Reminds me of the minor league Toledo Mud Hens! Always felt sorry for anybody on that team just because of their mascot name.

    You can go too far the opposite way, too. “Yahweh’s Warriors,” e.g., is redolent of the Holy Crusades which was anything but Christian.

    Maybe “Keepers of the Flock” but that might infringe upon the branding of the Promise Keepers—which is a great name, by the way.

    Anyhow, I probably need another life when it comes to musing about team names, but I did sincerely appreciate your reflections! Thanks for sharing.

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